1) The Three Most Important Questions You Will Ever Be Asked
2) Is Your Islamic Faith and Practice Secure?
3) Can You Logically Explain Why Islam is Better?
4) The Greatest Day of My Life
5) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #1: “Islam is the Truth, No Need to Question It”
6) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #2: “The Noble Character of Prophet Muhammad (P)”
7) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #3: “The Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (P)”
8) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #4: “Islam Teaches the Absolute Oneness of God”
9) Is Feeling Peace at the Masjid a Proof That Islam is True?
10) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #6: “Muslims Are So Nice”
11) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #7: “The Qur’an Has So Many Beautiful Teachings”
12) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #8: “Muslims Pray Five Times a Day”
13) Why is Islam Better? Illogical Answer #9: “The Muslim Ummah is So Diverse”
14) Are “Miraculous” Signs in Nature a Proof of One Religion Over Another?
15) Illogical Answers Are the Bricks, Not the Foundation
16) The One Logical Reason Why Islam is Better
17) Does the Unique Arabic Recital of the Qur’an Make Islam Better?
18) What About Contentions That the Qur’an Has Not Been Preserved?
19) Now That We Understand Why Islam is Better, What is Our Responsibility?