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Jihad / Islamophobia / 9-11

Jihad / Islamophobia / 9-11

Islam, World Peace and September 11th – Jamal Badawi
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Lecture Outline 2) Does Islam = Muslim? 3) The Meaning of 'Islam' 4) How Muslims Relate to Other Religions 5) Does the Qur'an…
The True Meaning of Jihad – Kenneth Atkinson
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) The Most Misunderstood Topic in Islam: Jihad 2) Conditions of the Arabian Peninsula Before Islam 3) Islam Established Social Justice 4) Does Jihad Equal…
Jihad: A Just Struggle or Unjust Violence? – Zaid Shakir
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Defining 'Jihad' 2) Physically Fighting 3) Terrorism? 4) Three Types of Jihad 5) Struggling With the Self 6) Struggling With Non-Muslims …
Islamic Fundamentalism: A Threat to America? – Siraj Wahhaj
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Lecture Introduction 2) What Does 'Fundamentalism' Mean? 3) The Rapid Growth of Islam in America 4) Why Muslims Are Your Friends 5) Islam:…
Muslims in America: Surviving After September 11th – Siraj Wahhaj
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Muslims on the Defensive Since 9/11 2) Most People Are Asleep 3) We Must Do More Than Preach Peace 4) Most People Are Defenseless…
War and Violence: Islam’s Perspective – Mohamed Magid
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Is 'Holy War' in the Qur'an (Koran)? 2) What Are the Reasons That Justify Violence in Islam? 3) Islam Values All Life 4) The…
Is Islam Important? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Islam is More Than a Religion – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The Meaning of ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslim’ – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The Islamic View of the Human Being – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Who is Allah? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Belief in the Angels and the Revelations – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
What is the Koran (Qur’an)? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Belief in the Prophets – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Belief in the Day of Judgment and Destiny – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The 2nd Pillar of Islam: Prayer (Salah) – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The 3rd Pillar of Islam: Poor-Due Tax (Zakat) – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The 4th Pillar of Islam: Fasting (Ramadan) – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The 5th Pillar of Islam: Pilgrimage (Hajj) – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Why Do Muslim Women Wear Hijab? (Head Covering) – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The Status of Women in Islam – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Clarifying the Concept of Jihad (Struggling) – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Is Hell Eternal? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
What Are ‘Jinn’? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
More About Muslim Women – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Media Bias About Islam – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Was September 11th Justified in Islam? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Do Muslims Support the War on Terror? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
Does God Change His Mind Between Revelations? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
A Muslim Man Can Have Four Wives? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
What is Jizyah (Non-Muslim Tax)? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…
The Islamic View on Suicide Bombers? – Fadel Soliman
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play Full Lecture This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab. . Chapters To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through…