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The True Meaning of Jihad – Kenneth Atkinson

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To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below.

1) The Most Misunderstood Topic in Islam: Jihad
2) Conditions of the Arabian Peninsula Before Islam
3) Islam Established Social Justice
4) Does Jihad Equal Warfare?
5) What About the Qur’an Commanding Muslims to Fight?
6) Forced Conversion, Suicide and Anti-Semitism?
7) Islam’s Treatment of Prisoners of War
8) Jihad is Really the Struggle to Be Righteous
9) Education is the Key to Correcting Stereotypes
10) How to Reach the Younger Children
11) More About the Root Meaning of ‘Jihad’

Kenneth Atkinson addresses social justice, does jihad equal warfare, the Qur’an commanding Muslims to fight, forced conversion, suicide, anti-semitism, and Islam’s treatment of prisoners of war.
