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Jesus: A Prophet of Islam – Siraj Wahhaj

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To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below.

1) The Five Special Prophets
2) Jews, Christians and Muslims: People of Faith
3) God is One
4) The Similitude of Jesus and Adam
5) Muslims Love and Respect the Virgin Mary
6) Jesus: A Servant of God
7) The Miracles of Jesus
8) Did Jesus Die?
9) Jesus Will Return
10) AD: The Year of Our Lord
11) Are You Really Following Jesus?
12) Jesus Did Not Teach the Trinity
13) How Are Muslims Saved Without a Savior?
14) Is Jesus a Believer of the Qur’an?
15) Prayer in Christianity and Islam?
16) What Interpretation of the Qur’an to Follow?
17) Muslims Interpreting the Bible/ Contradictions Within the Gospels?
18) Those That Never Receive the Message of Islam?
19) Al-Fatiha: A Prayer For Guidance

Who is Jesus and what did he teach from the Islamic perspective? Do Muslims accept his divinity, his prophethood, his miracles, or the Gospels themselves? What about his mother Mary and the virgin birth? As part of “Islam Awareness Week” on the campus of George Mason University, this lecture seeks to answer these very important questions. Siraj Wahhaj, an American convert and prominent imam from New York, points out that although there are obvious differences between the Muslim and Christian views of Jesus, there are also many lesser-known similarities. Moreover, there are many noble beliefs and traditions about Jesus within Islam that are not even found in Christian texts. A fascinating lecture especially for those non-Muslims who are unfamiliar with the Islamic belief system. Learn exactly how Muslims love, respect and revere Jesus as a great prophet, messenger and man of God. Ideal for both Muslims and non-Muslims. Other topics discussed: did Jesus really teach the trinity, how are Muslims saved without a savior, Jesus as a believer in the Qur’an, prayer in Christianity and Islam, Muslims interpreting the Bible, what happens to those that never receive the message of Islam, and the Qur’anic chapter Al-Fatiha as a prayer for guidance. (Duration: 1 hour, 25 min)
