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Loving and Getting Closer to Allah – Mohamed Magid

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This lecture is part 1 of a complete series of 9 lectures entitled “Beyond the Basics: Taking Your Islam to the Next Level”. To play each session press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below.

1) Loving and Getting Closer to Allah
2) Increasing Our Love For the Prophet (P)
3) Purification of the Heart
4) The Inner Dimensions of Prayer
5) The Inner Dimensions of Fasting
6) Guarding Yourself Against Arrogance
7) Purifying Your Intentions: Al-Ghazali’s Methodology
8) The Parent-Child Relationship
9) The Husband-Wife Relationship

To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons below.

1) Ways to Get to Know Allah
2) Nothing is Worthy of Worship Except Allah
3) Allah Sustains the Universe
4) Allah Knows Everything
5) Allah is the Owner of Everything
6) Allah Records Everything
7) Contemplating Allah
8) All Bounties Are From Allah
9) Giving Thanks for Allah’s Bounties
10) Questions and Answers
11) Closing Dua
