This collection includes four khutbahs. The featured one is “Having Perspective in Difficult Times” by Ayden Zayn. When the originally scheduled khateeb is a no-show, Ayden Zayn is called upon to deliver the khutbah. Caught off guard and unprepared, he decides to speak on a topic near-and-dear to his heart: struggle. Relying upon his favorite hadith as a starting point, he delivers what turns out to be an impromptu, but deeply touching talk. He first looks at the purpose of struggle and difficulty. Then he prescribes a simple formula that can help Muslims deal in trying times. In the process, he defines the ultimate purpose of Islam itself, then asks the believers to reflect upon a simple analogy that can provide the perspective necessary to realize and fulfill this purpose.
Other khutbahs included:
The Fleeting Dunya – Shuaib S. Khan
The Formula For Successful Change – Osamah Saleh
Gratitude and Having the Right Perspective – Joshua Salaam