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Lisa Killinger

Below are the full lectures only. More titles can be found in the “Chapters” tab for each one.

Women In Islam: Through Western Eyes – Lisa Killinger
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) How I Discovered Islam 2) Why Would a Woman Want to Be Muslim? 3) We Must Distinguish Culture From Religion 4) The Rights Granted…
How to Find Your Soulmate the Islamic Way – Lisa Killinger
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Are You Ready For Marriage? 2) Bringing Together Two Different Souls 3) What Does Islam Say About Choosing a Spouse? 4) The First Steps…