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Rasha al-Disuqi

Below are the full lectures only. More titles can be found in the “Chapters” tab for each one.

The Resurgence of Muslim Women – Rasha al-Disuqi
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Where is the Justification That Women Are Second Rate Citizens? 2) Misinterpreted Hadith: Men, A Degree Above Women 3) Misinterpreted Hadith: Women Deficient? 4)…
Reforming American Society – Amir Ali and Rasha al-Disuqi
Buy DVD   iTunes   Google Play Play ChaptersTo play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below. 1) Unity: A Gift From Allah 2) The Growth of Muslims in America 3) We Must Have a Vision For the Future 4) We Have…