This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab.
To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons below. 1) Religion: The Concept of Binding Together 2) Iman: To Make Oneself Secure 3) Belief in God 4) Negation/Affirmation 5) Revelation 6) Messengers 7) God’s Immanence 8) Nafs (The Self) 9) The Angels 10) The Difference Between Prophets and Messengers 11) Qadr (The Divine Decree) 12) The Problem of Evil 13) Capital Punishment, Fatwahs and Salmon Rushdie 14) Islamic Law Preserves Five Things 15) Inheritance 16) Good and Evil 17) Homosexuality 18) The Day of Judgment 19) Stages of the Dunya (Material World) 20) Death 21) The Grave and Resurrection 22) The Reckoning 23) The Bridge of Siraat 24) The Mercy and Wrath of God 25) Suicide? 26) Do Children Go Straight to Heaven? / Did Muhammad Absolve Sins? 27) Shariah, Blasphemy and Punishment?