This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab.
To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons below. 1) What is a ‘Movement’? 2) The Secular Feminist Influence on the United Nations 3) A Document By Secular Feminists Meant to Be Imposed on the Muslim World 4) Muslim Women Have the Rights But What Are They Doing With Them? 5) Are Women, Like Men, Vicegerents? 6) A Woman’s Right to Life 7) Are Women Deficient? 8) The Prophet (P) Helped His Wives 9) Men a Degree Above Women? 10) Women’s Right to An Education 11) The Muslim Woman’s Independence 12) The Woman’s Right to Work Outside the Home 13) The Woman’s Right to Legal Testimony 14) How Did the Prophet (P) Treat His Wives? 15) Did the Prophet (P) Advocate Beating Women? / The Husband Must Help the Wife in Raising the Family 16) Women Must Participate in the Administration of Organizations 17) We Must Enjoin the Right and Forbid the Wrong 18) Does the Qur’an Sanction Wife-beating? 19) A Comment on Polygamy 20) Why Do Muslim Women Cover Their Head? 21) Truly Living Islam Has an Impact 22) We Must Return to the Qur’an and Sunnah 23) Connection With Allah is the Key 24) What Have We Done to Make a Difference? 25) Although Men and Women Are Equal, They Are Different 26) Women Reciting Qur’an and Being Imams 27) Wearing Hijab and Tight Clothing? 28) Women Participating in Politics 29) Hijab as a Command to Cover the Nakedness 30) Does the Qur’an Command Women to Stay in the Home? 31) Different Women Wear the Hijab For Different Reasons 32) The Hadith That Speaks of Women Being the Majority In Hell 33) Are Men Capable of Treating Women With Affection? 34) Is the Hijab Meant to Protect Men From Temptation? 35) Was There a Barrier in the Prophet’s Masjid? / Can A Woman Be An Imam or An Amir?