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Fight, Flight and Freeze – Hakim Archuletta

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This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab.


To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons below.

1) Hakim’s Bio: Berkeley in the 60’s
2) Stalking the Wild Asparagus
3) The Extraordinary Human Body
4) The Awesome Creation: A Metaphor
5) Experiences in Pakistan
6) Finding Teachers
7) Trauma Therapy
8) Collective Trauma
9) Fight, Flight and Freeze
10) Prophet Muhammad (P) Inspired People
11) Earth-Based People
12) Greek Medicine
13) Traditional Medicine Was Lost
14) Earth, Air, Fire and Water
15) Connected People
16) Our Unnatural Lifestyle
17) Corporate Influence
