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Humility, Tranquility and Satisfaction in Prayer – Alpha-Him Jobe

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To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below.

1) Humility is in the Heart
2) Humility is the Source of Prosperity
3) How to Achieve Humility
4) Remember Death
5) Forgiveness of Sins
6) The Best Actions
7) Reflect Upon the Meaning of the Qur’an
8) Allahu-Akbar: Allah is the Great
9) You Are Pledging Allegiance to Allah Alone
10) Seeking Refuge From Shaitan and Concentrating
11) Learn the Meaning of Al-Fatiha
12) Don’t Have ‘Fake’ Humility
13) Did the Companions Raise Their Voices?

The interesting and important topic of khusur is addressed by Sheikh Jobe with the underlying message of building one’s faith from the inside out. This talk is all about the importance of humbling oneself not only in prayer, but of humbling oneself before Allah in every step of life. But, as the speaker explains, it all starts within the prayer itself and khusur should be one of the Muslim’s primary concerns because of the frequency and reliance on prayer for our connection with Allah. With the understanding of khusur being clearly conveyed, the late sheikh then summarizes the practical methodology by which we can obtain this humility, tranquility, and satisfaction in our daily prayers.
