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The Life of Prophet Muhammad (P) – Part 2 – Khalid Blankinship

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1) The Life of Prophet Muhammad (P) – Part 1
2) The Life of Prophet Muhammad (P) – Part 2

To play each chapter for this session press the play icon below.

1) The Three Periods of Prophet Muhammad’s (P) Life
2) Sources For the Biography of Prophet Muhammad (P)
3) Why Muslims Are Interested in Prophet Muhammad’s (P) Biography
4) 6th and 7th Century Ignored by Historians
5) World History Leading Up to the Time of Prophet Muhammad (P)
6) Various Facts About Pre-Islamic Arabia
7) The Early Life of Prophet Muhammad (P)
8) The First Revelation of the Qur’an
9) Spreading the Message
10) Prophet Muhammad (P) Was Illiterate
11) Delegations to Ethiopia, the Conversion of Umar and the Boycott
12) The Warring Clans
13) The Migration to Madinah
14) The Qur’an’s Establishment of Protocol and Etiquette
15) Simple Political Arrangements in Early Islam
16) The Establishment of Basic Practices in Madinah
17) Sacred War?
18) Early Battles
19) The End of the Jihad State
20) Are Muslims Striving to Establish a Theocracy in America?
21) Does Islam Allow a Separation of Church and State?

In discussing the life of Muhammad ibn Abdullah, who Muslims believe to be the last prophet of God sent to all of humanity, the speaker first sets the background of Arabia at that time. He briefly conveys the genealogy of the Prophet (P) and then comments on the tribal situation of the pagan Arabs. The revelation experience is subsequently covered and Dr. Blankinship informs the audience of what this was like for the Prophet (P), his initial reactions, and the support he found in his wife Khadijah. From here many of the main events of early Islamic history are touched upon such as the first migration to Ethiopia, the conversion of Umar, the boycott of the first community of believers by the Quraiysh, the change of the kiblah (direction of prayer), and the farewell pilgrimage. But because this subject is nothing new to Muslims and many non-Muslims, one may expect another drawn-out exposition of names, dates, and places. However, where this lecture really stands out and makes it unique to others on the same topic is the way in which it builds up to the wonderfully insightful commentary by the speaker on the issue of politics and the idea of “church and state” is Islam. Prodded by questions from the audience about this matter, Dr. Blankinship concludes the talk with a half-hour scholarly exegesis that the listener will not too soon forget. (Recorded at the Dar al Islam Teachers’ Institute seminar). Other topics discussed: the Prophet’s influence upon Madinah, various expeditions and battles, the misconception of “jihad”, and the Iranian Revolution.
