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Our Leaders Are Not Our Employees – Shaker Elsayed

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This title is a single chapter from a longer lecture. You can watch the full lecture here. To watch other chapters, go to the CHAPTERS tab.


To play each chapter press the play icon or scroll through them using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons below.

1) Coordination Comes Before Unity
2) Multi-Culturalism
3) The Varied Fiqh Views
4) Ethnic Diversity
5) Diversity in Knowledge
6) Difference in Priorities
7) Unbalanced Attitudes
8) People Should Feel Welcome in the Masjid
9) Growth and Progress Take Time
10) Fear of the Unknown
11) Our Leaders Are Not Our Employees
12) Arrogance
13) Practical Steps to Coordinating Our Efforts
14) This Ummah is One Ummah
15) Majlis Ashura (Consultative Council of Masjids)
16) Coordinating National Conferences
17) Islamic Schools Must Be Free
18) We Must Adjudicate Our Own Legal Matters
19) We’ll Never Succeed Without Unity
20) How to Solve the Ethnic Divide
21) Can Muslims Call Jews Their Brothers?
22) Da’wah to the Nation of Islam
23) Establishing a True Brotherhood
24) Closing Remarks
