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Fulfilling our obligations to the Creator means undertaking action and externalizing the faith that is harbored inside of our hearts. But simply doing an action is not enough because two conditions must be fulfilled for it to be accepted and rewarded. Is it possible that we are overlooking or forgetting those necessary conditions and thereby rendering our actions as fruitless and ineffective? This third installment in the series “In Pursuit of Peace and Happiness” from Orlando, Florida focuses on the concept of ikhlas (sincerity) and the danger of shirk (associating partners with Allah). This talk is essential for those seeking to purify their hearts because it emphasizes the foundation of this science: pure intention. And, of course, pure intention is a pre-requisite for undertaking the pursuit of peace and happiness. Imam Mokhtar also looks in-depth at the issue of bid’ah (religious innovation) which renders our actions fruitless. Other topics discussed: will partial ikhlas (sincerity) be accepted by Allah?, the various types of hidden shirk (associating partners with Allah), is it a bid’ah to celebrate the Prophet’s (S) birthday?, is it a bid’ah to recite the Qur’an in a gathering upon moving into a new home?, is it a bid’ah to raise the hands in dua after prayer?, raising hands in witr prayer?, where exactly to place the hands in qiyaam, is it a bid’ah to recite the Qur’an collectively upon the death of a loved one?, how to deal with partial sincerity?, is discomfort generated by lack of results considered shirk?