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The Husband-Wife Relationship – Ahmad Sakr

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This lecture is part 3 of a complete series of 8 lectures entitled “Family Counseling in Islam: Building a Loving Muslim Family”. To play each session press the play icon or scroll through them using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons below.

1) An Overview of Islamic Social Services
2) Family Values
3) The Husband-Wife Relationship
4) Family Conciliation
5) The Accepted Dua
6) Divorce and Reconciliation
7) Recommendations to the Husbands
8) Depression: Prevention and Healing

To play each chapter for this session press the play icon below.

1) We Should Be Grateful
2) Crying Can Be a Good Thing
3) The Continuing Charity
4) Welcoming the Husband Home
5) Saying to One Another ‘I Love You’
6) Don’t Curse One Another
7) The Day of Judgement
8) Have Respect and Concern For One Another
9) Do Things Together as a Couple
10) Crushing the Husband’s Ego With Reverse Psychology
11) The Husband Should Be an Imam in the House
12) Don’t Complain or Compare
13) Calling One Another By Sweet Names
14) Money and Materialism
15) Boost One Another’s Ego
16) Logical Talk Sometimes Is Counterproductive

Dr. Sakr presents the guidelines to follow for building a solid, lasting relationship based on the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (P). His presentation consists of a list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that will help the husband and wife to take steps towards a happy and peaceful homelife. The pointers related by the speaker are such ones that can be implemented immediately due to their simplicity and practicality.
